Our Programs


The foundations of Environmental Democracy were firmly established in Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration,which emerged from the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in 1992, also known as the Earth Summit. Environmental issues are best handled with the participation of all concerned citizens, at the relevant level. At the national level, each individual shall have appropriate access to information concerning the that is held by public authorities, including information on hazardous materials and activities in their communities, and the opportunity to participate in decision-making processes. States shall facilitate and encourage public awareness and participation by making information widely available. Effective access to judicial and administrative proceedings, including redress and remedy, shall be provided.”

YGC works to defend each of these three defined three critical rights that form the pillars of Environmental Democracy

Transparency. The right to freely access information on the environment. Openness and transparency are required to help citizens, civil society, media, businesses, the courts, and the international community understand what is actually happening in relation to the environment and how their governments are responding.

Participation. The right for citizens to participate meaningfully in environmental decision-making. The public – particularly those most affected by climate change and environmental degradation – need to be able to voice their concerns and influence policy-making for the right decisions to be made, and for these choices to have legitimacy.

Justice. Access to justice to enforce environmental laws as well as redress or compensation for wrongdoing. If enforcement of environmental legislation and treaties is to have meaning, and people’s human rights are to be respected (particularly the rights of indigenous groups and environmental defenders), then there must be effective mechanisms for challenging the action – or inaction of governments in acting as environmental stewards for current and future generations.


The current growth of the extractives sector has undoubtedly reshaped the environmental, ecological and socio-economic geography of Uganda. Major investment projects in the extractives and associated infrastructural projects  being negotiated behind closed doors, giving unprecedented power to corporations while giving little or no regard to social justice considerations.

YGC through this program is anchored on the fundamental objective of creating platforms for knowledge sharing with the aim of minimizing the impact of these developments on communities engaged in the sector and call for strict adherence to the law Promotion of regional policy and decision-making on extractives to support a social justice agenda and support the development of community responsive benefit sharing arrangements at the regional and national level, to avail platforms on which the voices of communities in Uganda can be heard at the global and regional level so as to enable acceleration of global governance and social justice commitments in the extractives industry, and to promote responsible development of the extractives industries through regional training, coalition and capacity building activities


YGC works for all voices to be heard and included in decision making particularly the youth, women and other vulnerable groups. These groups are usually excluded from decision making yet they are the most affected by programs they don’t take part.

Human rights, gender and inclusive participation


Youth climate strike calling on government to take climate action” sign the National Climate bill into law immediately.

Youth for Green Communities (YGC works to support the development of equitable climate and climate finance policies by working with policy and decision makers in designing and implementing climate change policies through a combination of independent research, policy advisory services and advocacy, and capacity building. At the frontlines where climate change negatively and directly impacts on daily lives of households and communities, YGC works with youth, local organizations and climate observers to speak, write and find solutions to be incorporated in decision making.

Programme Objective

To promote the development of equitable climate and climate finance polices at all levels through independent policy research, policy advisory services and advocacy, and capacity building.

To building the next generation of youth climate conscious leaders through practical training and mentorship.

projects under the program

  1. Working with government to address impacts of climate change.
  2. Engaging in projects that focuses on research and advocacy aligning with the terms of 2016 Paris Agreement.
  3. Empowering and training youth to be the Next Generation Climate Leaders Course.